Kanye Needs to Get Off Twitter

I want to make this abundantly clear: I love Kanye. I think he makes awesome music and that he might be the greatest of our generation. Do I also think he is one of the biggest douchebags of all time? Of course. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't make great music. The two absolutely do not have to be related.

Now comes the big question: should Ye be on Twitter every day? My thought is absolutely not. Part of the lure to a Kanye tweet used to be that he never tweeted, ever. If he did, it was usually about a song or album release and everyone would go nuts. In rare occasions, it could be a rant which was always funny. Somewhere along the line, someone probably started to tell Kanye to tweet more and now we have this garbage. His beef with Wiz Khalifa last week was so stupid (even though he originally murdered him). Ye deleted his tweets as if he lost and ended up taking a loss somehow. He recently started coming at Puma for giving Kylie Jenner a million dollar deal. He also went at Nike's shoe line and took a loss because he eventually apologized to Michael Jordan.

Today I was scrolling through my timeline and saw the above malarky. This made me realize that I don't want to see this man's thoughts, nor do I want to hear him yell at us about how he is the greatest of all time. Just give me excellent music on SHMG/SWISH/WAVES/TLOP or whatever it ends up being called and go back to living your lavish lifestyle with your weird clothing line.


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